People Safety

Asset Integrity

Asset Optimisation


Realising the need to connect people at remote places and addressing the digital divide in hard-to-reach locations, we have built connectivity solutions that provides low latency and better Realibility. We enable communities and workers afar to stay connected and enhance organisationā€™s digital network.

Enabled through cutting edge connectivity


Our solution, Volant enables long-range data at the speed of thought. By slashing latency to near-zero levels, we empower you to connect, collaborate, and communicate in real-time at high definition.

Key Benefits

Volant enables long-range data at the speed of thought. By slashing latency to near-zero levels, we empower you to connect, collaborate, and communicate in real-time at high definition.

Lower Latency

Gigabit Speed

99.99% Reliability

How Volant Works

Volant Video

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